Heritage Financial Planning



Our Firms Offering

The firm specializes in providing fee-only financial planning services and investment advice to individuals and families. HFP advisors work solely for their clients as fee-only advisors — reducing potential conflicts of interest regarding compensation. Whether you are building assets for the future or seeking to protect, enjoy and pass on those you already have, Heritage Financial Planning can help you along the way.

Your financial objectives may include:

  • Ensure retirement income
  • Maximize wealth transfer
  • Reduce the burden of taxes
  • Establish charitable legacies
  • Minimize the effects of inflation
  • Reduce the risk of financially devastating events
  • Create and preserve personal wealth
  • Foster peace of mind through proper planning today
ALLISON GEIGER | Financial Planning Expert Heritage Financial Planning

Our Service Offering

Personal Financial Planning Support | Heritage Financial Planning

Personal Financial Planning

Our financial planning services can help you meet all your personal financial goals. Personal financial services aim to assist you with managing your money, investing, dealing with your mortgage and other aspects of your personal finances. Receive quality, reliable advice on investment and financial opportunities to better serve you, your home and your family.

Retirement Planning Strategies | Heritage Financial Planning

Retirement Planning Strategies

People today are living longer, more active lives. This is wonderful, but it also brings with it the challenge of making sure you don’t outlive your money. We can come up with a range of strategies to help you win that race and enjoy as many decades of the retired life as you can.

College Funding Advice | Heritage Financial Planning

College Funding Advice

The cost of tuition at a private college is high already, and it seems to skyrocket every year. College can also come at a time when many families are caught in the middle, possibly having to pay for the care of aging parents and dealing with the expenses of younger children in the home, too. There are many ways to manage upcoming college expenses, and we can help you determine the right ones for you.

Stock Option Advice | Heritage Financial Planning

Stock Option Advice

Stock options can be a tremendous financial opportunity, but they can also be extraordinarily complex. Balancing the need for tax planning, investment diversification and concentration risk is beyond the scope of most executives, but we have the know-how and experience to help guide you through the process. We specialize in helping clients avoid the pitfalls of stock option exercises.

Lump Sum Distribution Advice | Heritage Financial Planning

Lump Sum Distribution Advice

We can help you decide whether to take a lump sum vs. regular payments if you have that option, as well as guide you toward financially responsible choices for that lump sum once you have it.

Personal Tax Planning Advice | Heritage Financial Planning

Personal Tax Planning

Whatever your line of work is, it probably does not revolve around understanding the tax code. Our team can offer tax suggestions to help you minimize your tax burden.

Ongoing Asset Management Planning | Heritage Financial Planning

Ongoing Asset Management

You've worked hard for your money, and you can’t just dump it all in a savings account. We’ll make sure your money works for you in a way that meets your needs and your goals.

Health Insurance Planning | Heritage Financial Planning

Life, Health, Long-Term Care and Disability

Insurance is critical for protecting you and your family in the case of a health crisis or worse. However, it’s hard to know just how much you need to be fully covered, as well as how much you can realistically take on in premiums. We can help you work all of that out.

Auto Insurance Planning | Heritage Financial Planning


Once you've taken care of yourself and your family, you need to figure out how to protect your major assets. We have the experience and knowledge to give you guidance regarding your insurance needs.


10440 N Central Expressway
Suite 1540
Dallas, TX 75231