Managing your personal finances can, at times, seem to be an overwhelming process. And why shouldn’t it be? You've spent years accumulating assets based on your skills and experience in your area of expertise, which probably was not in the field of personal money management. At Heritage Financial Planning, we understand that you are not an expert in finance.
Several factors set us apart from other financial planning firms. For one, we are actual fiduciaries, not just sales people masquerading as money experts. As fiduciaries, we have a legal obligation to put our clients’ best interests first. This works out just fine for us — but it might make you wonder what the financial planning firms that haven’t been willing or able to become fiduciaries are up to.
Any financial advisor you work with at Heritage Financial Planning will be independent, meaning they're not beholden to any product from any company, nor are they required to try to get you to invest more or more widely than you are prepared to. They also don't have to keep you on the phone for X amount of hours. Our only goal is to help you determine what is in your best interest, then guide you down that path. Our only obligation is to you.
Another crucial feature of Heritage Financial Planning is that we are a fee-only advisor. Unlike other planners who always start their work “on-the-clock,” we find that a fee-only approach is more beneficial to creating open dialogue and fostering a long-term relationship with our clients, allowing us to take care of you to the absolute best of our ability.
To us, the whole reason you look for asset management, retirement planning advice and other services related to your money is for peace of mind. You want to know your money is where it should be, so you can go on enjoying your life. If that sounds like you, and you're seeking personal financial management in Dallas or surrounding areas like Grapevine, Fort Worth, Plano, Frisco, Colleyville and Southlake, then get in touch with Heritage Financial Planning today.
10440 N Central Expressway
Suite 1540
Dallas TX 75231
5465 Legacy Drive
Suite 650
Plano, TX 75024
Phone: 214-446-2100
Receiving a lump sum distribution from a retirement account can be a game-changer in your financial journey. Whether you've just retired or left your job for other reasons, this presents a unique...
Managing your finances effectively and making informed financial decisions is a critical aspect of securing your future financial well-being. To navigate this complex landscape, many people turn to...
10440 N Central Expressway
Suite 1540
Dallas, TX 75231
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